We want to make this launch as successful for you as possible.
As you know, “launch mode” can be crazy busy with a million things going on and we DON’T want to miss an opportunity to assist you. To ensure we don’t miss your enquiry can we ask that you submit a support ticket through the link below as we have a dedicated support team monitoring it 24/7.
However, we also have no issue if you want to contact directly on Skype or Facebook (see details below). Either way we’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
If you have any questions, issues, or need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thanks again for your support.
P.S. Don’t forget to join us on Voxer for full launch updates, leaderboard results, movers and shakers and all the cool launch announcements we have planned…not to mention all the trash talking that is likely to occur…it will be fun!